
My Companion

Just one word, KOOP. Awesome band. Just my taste too, they play like this upbeat swing-ish kinda Jazz which is right up my alley. I haven't enjoyed a band so much in a very long time as I have enjoyed listening to KOOP. Thanks to The Chay, these past few weeks have been at least bearable. Anyway, back to studying (final finals baby! >_<). In the mean time, here's a taste of what KOOP is like. Awesome I tell you.

Come to Me by Koop. From the "Koop Islands" album


My Torture

Oh the programming language that calls itself Java! How I hate you right now. How can you be so advanced and dumb at the same-frickin'-time ~_~


My Looming Deadline

Well yes its true, I'm reaching the end of what possibly could be my academic run and no one ever said it would be this hard! Seriously, now I kind of understand why some people just prefer going out to work instead of studying. Now don't get me wrong, its not that I really hate studying or anything but its just so stressful right now. Especially at the end. It all just sucks!

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