My University
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: Life
My Inner Trek
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
My Germs
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
My [How to setup your mac for Streamyx] Post
Step 2: Go to Network
Step 3: Click on the + button
Step 4: Click on PPPoE, Choose Ethernet, and Enter the Service Name (can be anything)
Step 5: Enter your details
And thats it really. You can basically use these instructions for any PPPoE connection not necessarily just for Streamyx. Share and enjoy.
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
My Sixth Sense
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Technology
My Absence
No I'm not dead yet. In the mean time see "My Updates" to see what I'm doing at the moment.
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: Life
My Orientation
Lets see so what happened today, we had a very nice aboriginal dance by some of the aborigine's that were surprisingly enough from that general area and who's tribe had lived there for ages and eons, so we were told. Then we had 2 sessions of mind-bogglingly boring "lectures" which offered up as much information as a telephone directory when all you know is the person's first name. Then at last, we had "Crocodile Man". Now he wasn't really called Crocodile Man, but for the life of me I can't remember what he was called and that seemed like an apt name seeing as it is Oz after all. Lol.
Picture's after the jump
[Facebook album]
Ps: I'm so lazy to reupload photos as it seems uploading counts towards this whole ridiculous cap system that Oz seems to have for their internet. So please click the link and go see the pictures and my other album entitled "My First Fishing Trip" or something like that.
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: Life
My Freezing Goodness
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: AMD, L33T Hax, Technology
My... Right
As Christians we are told to "speak the truth in love" but then it seems that nowadays, truth is only chiefly concerned with hurting someone, or tearing them down, or only spoken when it affects you directly. Is that the way things are supposed to be? On the flipside though, why does it seem that people these days are so afraid to change? To accept constructive criticism?
I guess a lot of it has to do with my previous thought. They are so used to the fact that truth is used as a weapon that they assume that everything people say which is true about them is going to be used sooner or later to attack them. Sigh. I. Don't. Know. Anymore.
So where does that leave us then? How are we to reach a generation of people who have so twisted ideas about truth, honesty, about friendship? I always thought being a true friend meant that you genuinely cared for that person and would be willing to "rock the boat" so to speak, when you see your friend spiralling out of control, or you see him/her doing something which might be detrimental down the line.
On a side note, I am really excited about Windows 7. I have been playing around with the Beta quite a bit (in-fact I installed it on my sister's laptop and its now her primary OS and things seem ok. At this point in time, its even better than Vista. Though I still prefer Mac OS X (no danger in me uhm "backsliding" :P) but still I'm glad that PC users will finally have a good alternative or at least I hope nothing goes seriously wrong with it from now till its released.
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: Emo, Faith, Friends, Life, Mac, Ponderous Pontificating, Technology, Windows
My Departure
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
My Palm P(t)RE(e)
Coded by Marcus 2 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Palm, Technology
My World 2
Looks around emergency room: "Oh my God! Everyone's sick. We're doomed!"
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Quote, Technology
My Welcome, and Goodbye
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Emo, Faith, Friends, Life, Ponderous Pontificating