
My Life... So Far...

Well lets see. To all those keeping score these past few days/months/years have been phenomenal for me. Lots of changes, lots of new stuff to cope with, new challenges, new experiences (not all good, mind you), new stresses, new people, new everything. So what's up you say? Well I don't know. Its just that as my time in university draws to a close, I can't help but to be circumspect and reflect on these past 3 years that I've spent in Nottingham. It has been a good solid 3 years I have to say, and the friendships and people I've met and got to know has really and truly made my life more interesting. Its just really sad that it is going to end really soon. Seems like just yesterday I stepped into the Semenyih Campus with hopes and dreams high only to face reality and my own short-comings.

So what has happened in this past 3 years? Lets see. I met some really nice people over at Nottingham whom I am proud to call my friends. I became a Mac user for real. (Yes yes before this I was just a Mac-User wannabe but now muahahaha I've loosed the shackles of Windows!) I moved church to Canaan Church (well ok, maybe not moved but sort of like officiated my relationship with them LOL). I have had amazing times with my best buds The Kash, The Chay, and The Maestro, The Noob, and all the other people over at Glo.

If you haven't noticed yet, yes I am in a very melancholic mood (translated: emo) so yeah. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what God has in store for me.

Ps: Is it just me or does the working world really scare the crap outta you >_<

1 pseudo-code(s):

joshuachay February 29, 2008 at 11:48 PM  

The working world is not that scary... We've had a taste. haha..

All I can say is that what world you're in, it doesn't matter. Will be here for you!

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