
My Evil Twin

Ok, well maybe not evil twin as in evil twin but sometimes when you're all alone like in the car driving alone with nothing but your own thoughts running through your head don't you get like weird ideas on how to get back on people who annoy you or just piss you off? Maybe its just me, but I don't think so. Anyway, today as I was driving back from university I had a very wacky idea. (Wacky being a relative term because I realise that what is funny to me might not be to you) So anyway, it was already like 10pm as I was travelling along the MRR2 and I was in the "fast lane". Mind you traffic was quite heavy and so I couldn't really travel that fast and there along came this big-ish SUV which highlighted me asking me to move out of the way. Now at that particular moment, I was taking a bend and the lane next to me was already full of cars so I really couldn't do anything nor get out of the way, but this guy still kept high-beaming me. Then it struck me, I probably should install flood lights at the back of my car along with an LCD screen at my rear mirror and flash like "It isn't nice to high-beam people" in 3 different languages just so they get the message before flooding them with my flood lights :P Ooooh that would be fun :)

2 pseudo-code(s):

jeyadev March 22, 2008 at 6:01 PM  

yeah, I have had these thoughts too... even on a bike...

pam March 28, 2008 at 9:33 PM  

hi marcus, i like tat idea. perhaps someone could reali work it out, n who knows, when it hits the market, the response maybe overwhelming. ;)

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