
My Next Step

I am officially unemployed right now :P So whats next? Well I would like to continue studying barring which I will be working first. Ok, so my grades weren't really that great but hey, the journey is more important than the destination right? I can't help but feel a little lost and uncertain about what the future holds, but I'm glad I have a God whom I can fully put my trust and hope in for the future. So am I anxious? Yes. Am I nervous? Yes. But am I in good hands? Definitely yes. Lets just see how life plays out in the near future. I can truly say that I've grown a lot in these past few years in the various aspects of my life. The recent visit of my cousin from Australia and the subsequent "family reunion" between the cousins on my father's side has reawakened who I really am. I realize now that I've been living in a shell, afraid to venture out for fear of failure. But now, meh... Whatever. Life is to be lived, and lived to the full :)

Ps: Having great friends makes it bearable. Thanks guys for being there. You know who you are!

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