My Android... Revisited
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Technology
My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #4
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Technology
My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #3
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Technology
My Blog... Is Back!
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Blogosphere, Internet, Random
My [How To Speed Up Safari] Post #2
Manually defragging your Safari cache is often a big speed win on 10.5. In Terminal, with Safari closed, run the following lines. If you have other user accounts, log out and back in as each account and repeat:
PLEASE NOTE :::: THE SINGLE QUOTES on THECACHE line are from the quote on the tilde(~) key to the left of the number 1 key. You must use the correct quote! The double quotes around Cache.db are the usual double quote from pressing Shift with the key to the immediate left of your Return/Enter key. Or, just cut & paste!
cd ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari
cp -Rp Cache.db Cache.db2
mv Cache.db2 Cache.db
cd /private/var/folders
THECACHE=`find . -iname "Cache.db" |grep Safari|head -n1`
cp -Rp $THECACHE ~/Cache.db2
mv ~/Cache.db2 $THECACHE
You'll get some permission denied from find. Don't mind them.
ONLY FOR 10.5! Safari on 10.4 has a different cache structure.
Credit Amdahl
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Mac, Technology
My [How To Speed Up Safari] Post
1. Quit Safari2. Open Up Terminal3. Type in "defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.25" without the quotes and then Enter to save4. Restart Safari and enjoy
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: Internet, Mac, Technology
My Connection
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Mac, Technology
My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #2
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Technology
My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: : ), Internet, Technology
My [Could This Be The Death of Intel] Post
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: Atom, Games, Intel, Internet, Nano, Technology, Via
My Apology
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
Label Cloud
- My Dream...
- My Android... Revisited
- My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #4
- My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #3
- My Blog... Is Back!
- My [How To Speed Up Safari] Post #2
- My [How To Speed Up Safari] Post
- My Connection
- My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #2
- My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post
- My [Could This Be The Death of Intel] Post
- My Absolution
- My Apology