
My Dream...

HTC Dream to be precise. Also goes by the name Google Phone or gPhone however you want to put it. But, more pictures have been leaked about it. While it may not be a looker, it certainly is going to be one heck of an iPhone competitor. I think...

Images from Gizmodo


My Android... Revisited

After what seems like an eternity. Finally, it looks like HTC is going to be releasing the HTC Dream aka the gPhone! While I'm sure that they wanted to keep it under wraps, its pretty hard especially with so many people curious about it and stringent controls which it has to pass in the US, like FCC and all that. That invariably, leads to "leaks". This is probably the most damning and probably would be what it would look like.

Image from android community

Can't wait for the end of the year! You can read the article here, enjoy :D


My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #4

Here's part 4 :)


My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #3

Here is part 3 of the video.


My Blog... Is Back!

After a brief one week hiatus of I-Don't-Know-Whats-Going-On-At-Google-But-My-Blog-Went-Down I'm back. Ready yourself as your brain gets turned into mush by the content here! Muahahahahaha...


My [How To Speed Up Safari] Post #2

I'm back with another handy tip on how to speed up Safari. Now this one really works. I've tried it and I'm noticing it immediately. This tip comes courtesy of Amdahl on the macrumors forum. (His post on it here). Its a little more involved this one and requires you to mess around with the terminal a bit more. But its worth it I assure you. Just make sure you follow the instructions line by line and cut&paste the instructions if you're not sure of it.

Manually defragging your Safari cache is often a big speed win on 10.5. In Terminal, with Safari closed, run the following lines. If you have other user accounts, log out and back in as each account and repeat:

PLEASE NOTE :::: THE SINGLE QUOTES on THECACHE line are from the quote on the tilde(~) key to the left of the number 1 key. You must use the correct quote! The double quotes around Cache.db are the usual double quote from pressing Shift with the key to the immediate left of your Return/Enter key. Or, just cut & paste!

cd ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari
cp -Rp Cache.db Cache.db2
mv Cache.db2 Cache.db
cd /private/var/folders
THECACHE=`find . -iname "Cache.db" |grep Safari|head -n1`
cp -Rp $THECACHE ~/Cache.db2
mv ~/Cache.db2 $THECACHE

You'll get some permission denied from find. Don't mind them.
ONLY FOR 10.5! Safari on 10.4 has a different cache structure.

Credit Amdahl


My [How To Speed Up Safari] Post

For those of you who use both Safari3 and Firefox3 regularly and are torn between the two (like yours truly is) I'm sure you notice a difference in the "speed" of the two browsers when displaying pages. I've done some research on the net and it seems to stem from the fact that Safari has a delay time of 1000ms or 1sec before it actually renders the page to display while Firefox has a 250ms delay time. What this means is that Safari actually loads whole pages faster but is perceived to be slower because it doesn't show anything for 1sec after the user clicks a link. So, if you want to have a perception of speed while actually increasing your load times you can try this.
1. Quit Safari
2. Open Up Terminal
3. Type in "defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.25" without the quotes and then Enter to save
4. Restart Safari and enjoy
And again, this will increase load times for whole webpages slightly but you will receive near instantaneous changes to your clicks. Test it out for yourself and see what suits you better. By the way, if you want to reset if back to default type in the command again but substitute 0.25 for 1 which is the default.

So far I'm quite happy with the perception of speed that this little "hack" has brought. So its back to Safari as my default browser for awhile.

Check out MacRumors.com guide for more info on how to speed up safari.


My Connection

Hmm I don't know whats up with streamyx recently, but I just achieved a new record. 3.65GB's in 25hours =) OS X on a regular PC here I come!!


My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post #2

This is part 2 of the video from yesterday showing Aurora, the concept browser from Mozilla Labs and Adaptive Path.


My [Good Grief This Could Be The Web] Post

Wow, just wow! I mean its still an early concept but a very cool concept at that. Employing a 3d inteface and using semantic based grouping, this really is a very interesting idea. I really hope the guys at Mozilla and Adaptive Path develope this further.


My [Could This Be The Death of Intel] Post

Nah not really seeing as how they're doing so well in almost all categories of the PC sector, from desktops to server chips Intel seems to be leading the way. However early this year, when Intel launched its Atom processor I got very excited because, here was a core based processor which drew very little power and could be put into those really tiny UMPC computer's which seem to be all the rage right now. Well guess what, VIA isn't going down quietly. After being relatively unknown in the general consumer sense beside AMD and Intel, VIA have come up with an Atom smasher so to speak. Welcome the "Nano" :)

Oh and btw, Engadget has some Atom vs Nano benchmarks. Check them out here

And here is VIA's Nano playing crysis one of the more highend games available today.

My Absolution

Thank you <3~!

Ps: Charlie Parker is the man! :)


My Apology

My insides feel all torn and tattered and I just feel awful in the general sense of the word. Why you ask? Its because I've hurt someone near and dear to me. I went a bit too far and now I regret the things that I've done, the words that I've said. What else is there to do when you betray the trust that someone gives to you. How can you regain that trust again. If you're reading this, I just want to say I'm really and truly sorry and I didn't mean to hurt you or frustrate you but I did and so this is my apology.

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