
My [How To Speed Up Safari] Post

For those of you who use both Safari3 and Firefox3 regularly and are torn between the two (like yours truly is) I'm sure you notice a difference in the "speed" of the two browsers when displaying pages. I've done some research on the net and it seems to stem from the fact that Safari has a delay time of 1000ms or 1sec before it actually renders the page to display while Firefox has a 250ms delay time. What this means is that Safari actually loads whole pages faster but is perceived to be slower because it doesn't show anything for 1sec after the user clicks a link. So, if you want to have a perception of speed while actually increasing your load times you can try this.
1. Quit Safari
2. Open Up Terminal
3. Type in "defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.25" without the quotes and then Enter to save
4. Restart Safari and enjoy
And again, this will increase load times for whole webpages slightly but you will receive near instantaneous changes to your clicks. Test it out for yourself and see what suits you better. By the way, if you want to reset if back to default type in the command again but substitute 0.25 for 1 which is the default.

So far I'm quite happy with the perception of speed that this little "hack" has brought. So its back to Safari as my default browser for awhile.

Check out MacRumors.com guide for more info on how to speed up safari.

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