Jamie Oliver
Also known as "The Naked Chef", I found out something really interesting about him. Well maybe you guys out there already know about this, but when I found out I was pleasantly surprised. Ok, so I got these few episodes of Oliver's Twist from a pal of mine, Fagatron, and you know I was boppin' along to the starting theme and I wanted to download it right, so I fired up my trusty new Safari web browser and typed in the first few lines in google (since I didn't know the title of the song) and went a-clicking away. The song goes like this...
No matter who you are,
Won't you come into my world?
Like a shooting star,
Take this journey with me to the heart,
Can't you see that this is just the start?
Well thats actually the chorus only but that is what is played during the start of the show. Ok, so I remember listening to the song right and I'm all like "Hey not bad, the drummer's pretty tight too. He uses double pedal and all" and so I find out that the song is performed by a band called Scarlett Division. So I fired up wikipedia and guess what I found. This band was formed by Jamie Oliver himself! When he was 13!!! And guess what, he's the drummer too!!!!
1 pseudo-code(s):
jamie oliver is my idol...
not that i would like to imitate "the naked chef"... i don't think standing naked in the kitchen is anything close to hygienic...
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