
Hey I have a social life too!

Well even though I am probably the geekiest/dorkiest person in my group of friends. I do have a group of friends which I hang out with regularly. Well, today instead of having a Glo meeting the leaders decided to have a "Mystery Trip" which turned out to be dinner at some buffet steamboat place in Sunway. Well, the food was so-so BUT the company was EXCELLENT! During dinner, we had some real good fun with Jackie's fear of creepy-crawlies lol (Editor's note: Some scene's might be disturbing to some viewers. Especially if its Jackie herself.)

Epic prank on Jackie courtesy of Lam, cinematography by Angel

Continuing on, after dinner we adjourned to Sunway Pyramid to have a drink. As was our usual custom, we had some trouble deciding where to go. So, Prakash being the media graduate that he is, just couldn't resist doing this little bit...
Prakash Daniel's on Sunway Pyramid

So, after finally deciding where we wanted to go (which happens to be Waffle World) we still didn't learn our lesson and dilly-dallied around. And some stuff which only happens when The Kash is around invariably happened.

Prakash reliving his childhood

Since there were like a lot of us, we conquered almost one-quarter of said establishment. I don't have a photo of the whole group though, but I do have some cam-whoring sessions we had. Enjoy...

Me long lost adopted sister LOL. Nah, but she looks like she could be my sister

Prakash and Kimberly sharing a drink. So romantic.

Move over Starbucks Lady coz' Prakash is in town!

Somehow this reminded me of a Disney movie.

Ah, can always count on Joyce to be photogenic. Always!

Ladies and Gents, Prakash is in the house!

Well so much for the mystery trip. But at least we had a lot of fun.

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