My Identity Crisis
I think the title of my blog is really misleading. I mean, for the past like year or so I haven't really touched a PC and this is supposed to be a blog of my "Frustration/Disgruntleness". When I started I had these like really grand idea's of doing epic posts with PC vs. Mac or something to that effect but now, I have become complacent because Mac's are really that stable. I have had no really big problems on my Mac thus far and computing for me has been smooth sailing. So I ask myself, can I really qualify my blog title or should I change it. What say you, my faithful(?) readers? :P
Coded by Marcus 1 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: Ponderous Pontificating, Random
(More of...) My Goofy Neighbours
I. Really. Have. Nothing. To. Say. About. This. Video.
Coded by Marcus 2 pseudo-code(s)
My Goofy Neighbours
Coded by Marcus 0 pseudo-code(s)
My My, What Will These People Pirate Next?
Seriously, this has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
Sometimes I wish that Apple would just like sue the crap outta them. But I realise that there are gullible people out there who would actually buy crap like that. All in the name of being "spend thrift". But honestly I still think the age old Chinese saying is true "You get exactly what you pay for" or "One unit of money, one unit of goods"(direct translation... I think)
Coded by Marcus 2 pseudo-code(s)
Metadata: Internet, iPhone, Random, Technology