
My Disappointment

All is lost! Today, I received an email from my university saying that they will be changing their networking systems from Novell to Microsoft! When I read that email line by line, the more I read, the more disappointed/dismayed I became. We're going to be using Outlook Exchange instead of Novell Groupwise and from Novell Network to Microsoft Active Directory. Oh the humanity of it all. I used to be proud of my campus because we remained fairly neutral. Supporting OSS through the use of open and cross-platform technologies such as Java, mySQL, Apache, and Novell. Now, I see we very well could be on the pathway to a "Microsoft Exclusive Campus" or something like that. I totally hate Microsoft to the bone! If I could I would rid myself of using anything even remotely related to Microsoft. But alas, the world is as it is.

Here's the section that totally ruined my day ~_~

Why change to Exchange?

The decision to migrate to Exchange/Outlook was taken by the University Management Board following a review of GroupWise email services. This particular product was chosen based on proof-of-concept testing, wide consultation and the recommendations of a small strategy group of staff from IS, Schools and Central Services Departments.

The Exchange infrastructure will support the University's use of messaging and calendaring for the foreseeable future.

2 pseudo-code(s):

Kyels September 12, 2007 at 1:28 PM  

This sucks!

I love Novell!

Marcus September 12, 2007 at 10:47 PM  

Yeah me too. And I was so proud to tell all my friends that Nottingham was an OSS supporter. Sigh...

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