
My Personal View

...On life. Well, its really tough trying to come up with titles that begin with "My..." Scrubs style. But I like a challenge and this is as challenging as it gets. Anyway, these are just some of the really dumb things that I have witnessed or have observed as part of my day-to-day life. Some are like really long time ago, some recent but I think its good that I compiled them : ) So here goes...

Here's your average McD's Fillet O' Fish right

I think they must be affected too much by their CHO. I mean honestly... Double packaging ftw ^^

Some smart fella blocked both lanes while everyone else was waiting at a traffic light

This was awesome. Finally, someone got their just desserts

Tesco Ampang, I will be avoiding you from now on. I ain't going to a place which sells "Crap Meat" man

1 pseudo-code(s):

Anonymous October 7, 2007 at 5:18 PM  

You can find tons of blunders - "Crap Meat" is one of them. "L" and "R" errors are very common too, and even "j" (or "ch") and "z" are often confused among students from Chinese schools who are not really familiar with the language.

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