Sunday Afternoon
Since I have been spending my time buried in books and it is the weekend after all, I decided to take up Hong Liang's offer to go visit our dear friend Leni "Piggy" Tek and bring her out for a drink or something. And something is the more appropriate word for her I'm afraid. It started out normally enough, we went to her house. Waited awhile as she got prepared (Whats up with girls and their preparation times anyway. And we even phoned her like 1 hour in advance and told her we're on our way... Sheesh) and made our way to this new Jusco place over at Cheras. They call it the "Cheras Selatan Shopping Centre"... LOL
Moving along, we reach there right and find out Leni hasn't taken her lunch yet. So we go to one of the makan places there (those typical Hong Kong style coffee houses which seems to be really popular these days). Oh and she brought along a photo album (as in the real physical one) to show us pictures she took while she was in Taiwan.
Moving along, so we placed our order and start waiting patiently for the food. Now I almost always carry my "Baby" where ever I go so HL asked whether there was internet available in the establishment. And so I checked and found out there was none. Just as I was about to put my "Baby" back into my bag HL suggested I show Leni PhotoBooth which is an app which comes with all new Macs which allows you to take snapshots of yourself with some really cool and funky effects. That was a big big mistake. She ended up taking almost 30 pictures of herself, digitally distorted/discolored/disfigured. For the benefit of you guys here I won't post them all, but I will post some of the highlights...

Add your own captions, I'm lazy to : )
Anyways, here are some other pictures which may or may not be a representation of what happened this afternoon.

Photo Op for Leni and Hong Liang

As Leni continued to molest my baby with her funny faces, HL and I had to find other ways of amusing ourselves

Damn, at least HL had a PSP with him...

Just a little while more Baby

Leni trying out some antler hairbands
Ps: Forgive the overly warm tones of most of my pictures as my crappy N73 invariably only does that. Sigh.
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