
OMG We're So Screwed

Ok well, actually its our neighbours in Singapore who are screwed. And what are they screwed for? Well, downloading episode's of Bleach from Dattebayo. Amazing, the Singaporeans are really efficient. It seems they have tracked thousands of Bittorrent users and are accusing them of breaching their copyrights. They have successfully forced the ISP's to give up the names and are threatening them with legal action unless they pay a SGD 3.5k "fine" to them. Original article by TorrentFreak.com. So where does that leave us Bleach fans in Malaysia, I really don't know. If only these people would do what everyone wants, Anime with Japanese language and English subtitles I'll buy it in a heartbeat.

1 pseudo-code(s):

Kyels August 18, 2007 at 9:39 AM  

Like you, I'll buy it too!

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